Hackers and Slackers: Encounters with Science and Technology in Nineties Cinema

For cinema, the 1990s marked the era of special-effects blockbusters versus low-budget indies, many of which grappled with ideas about techno-optimism versus techno-cynicism. Despite being considered a cheesy decade for film, nineties cinema revealed profound social and political anxieties that stemmed from an era of globalization and cultural change precipitated by late capitalism and cutting-edge technology. For all the hopes that these new technologies were supposed to bring, nineties cinema exposed the skepticism and fears that lurked beneath the optimistic surface.

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Science Books for Laypeople

This is a list of popular science books for people who want to learn more about science but do not have a background in it. In an age where misinformation abounds, scientific literacy is important, but it can be daunting if one does not have any formal education or training in science or technology. This list does not focus on the philosophy of science, as that would be a very different list and much longer. Instead, this compilation just deals with books that discuss the actual science without too much technical or academic jargon. This list should provide some enjoyable and readable texts to fill in those gaps for the regular person who wishes to learn more about our universe and how it works.

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