Postmodernism, Explained

Both the left and right of the political spectrum use the term “postmodernism” loosely and often derogatorily, yet “postmodernism” is better understood as an umbrella term that contains a whole host of various ideas under it. Postmodernism can be broken down into three related but distinct categories: postmodernism as an aesthetic movement, postmodernism as a linguistic challenge, and postmodernism as a societal critique of late capitalism. Clarifying what postmodernism actually means can help to clear up the confusion surrounding the term.

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Adorno and the Culture Industry

Adorno wanted to understand how capitalism, especially through the culture industry, exploits us and pervades our everyday lives so that we could figure out how to liberate ourselves from it. Essentially, his underlying message is that liberation cannot happen if we remain blind and complacent to the system that oppresses us: it can only happen when the people rise up and revolt against it.

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American Political Polarization, 50 Years in the Making

America’s current state of political polarization can be traced back to the 1970s and 1980s when these cultural differences were just getting formed. Historians tend to avoid taking lessons from history, but if one considers the larger patterns of cultural divisions in the United States, looking back at this earlier era may offer some clues. One fact is certain: historians and political scientists can no longer rely on the standard party line model to explain the country’s split.

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